Benefit From Expert Math (13+ exam) Tutors at Affordable Prices
Math (13+ exam) tutors: Join a game-changing tutoring session and enjoy your high scores!
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Maths tutor from £6 per 1hr
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• Tutored over 50 students from KS1 to KS4
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• Tailored lesson plans based on each student's level and needs
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1600+ lessons at other institutions
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1.5 years of experience as Online Tutor
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First-Rank Graduate Studies Student
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Engaging students through creative, empathetic teaching methods
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15 years teaching experience in high-ranking academies and institutes
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Taught Mathematics Olympiad courses
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Published multiple peer-reviewed articles in Numerical Linear Algebra
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Passionate and Dedicated Educator Committed to Student Success
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MSc Graduate in Industrial Engineering
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Specialized Teaching Methods Focused on Motivation and Efficiency
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Tutored middle school students for competitive school admissions testing
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Prepared students for gifted school entrance exams
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Teaching at gifted schools
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15+ years experience teaching mathematics in schools
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GCSE exam preparation and success
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PhD in Mechanical Engineering, with a focus on practical applications
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8+ years of transformative teaching and tutoring
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Published in top ISI journals with cutting-edge research
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PhD in Pure Mathematics, specialising in complex problem solving
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5+ years experience teaching A-level maths
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University Teaching Assistant (TA) for 4 semesters
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GCSE exam preparation
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High A-level qualifications
Average price (Per hour)
13 Plus Maths Tutor; Ace 13 Plus Maths Exam with Ostado's Maths tutors
The 13-plus Common Entrance Exam (or CE at13+) is held by the end of year 9 when the pupils are 13. British schools use the test results to see if the pupils are eligible for enrolment. In other words, when pupils complete Key Stage 3, the first part of Secondary School, they take the Common Entrance Exam to enrol in Key Stage 4. This school entrance examination comprises three integral parts: Maths, Science, and English. Of course, some schools might require taking extra tests like History or Modern Foreign Languages. Some prestigious schools, especially in London, design the tests themselves (School Set Tests), but the Independent Schools Examination Board (ISEB) designs the tests for most schools.
Maths is the most challenging part of the Common Entrance Exam, especially in School Set Tests, which are more complex than ISEB tests. There are several ways to get past this critical stage in children's education, but the tried-and-true solution is to get help from a Maths tutor. Ostado's Maths tutors are ready to help KS3 students prepare for the school entrance exam by providing step-by-step and customised guidance to the children.
What is the significance of the 13-plus examination?
First, admission into good schools paves the way for future academic and professional success. Excelling in the Common Entrance Exam allows students to receive a high-quality education and find a favourable career. Second, the entrance school test prepares the students for GCSE and A-level qualifications, which, in turn, determines their chances of entering university. The third significance of the school entrance exam papers is that they indicate the student's abilities and potential. The exam result can also be used to evaluate the student's critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Lastly, the student becomes confident and motivated to keep up the hard work by succeeding in the entrance exam. In contrast, poor performance discourages them from continuing their education and can negatively alter their direction in life.
Maths in the 13-plus school entrance exam
The 13-plus exam covers core mathematical knowledge in numbers, algebra, ratio, and geometry. It measures the test-taker's understanding of different types of numbers, mathematical operations, fractions, decimals, and percentages. They are also tested with basic equations. For the geometry, the examinees must be able to calculate the area, perimeter, volume, and angles of different shapes. Depending on the exam board, the students might also be tested on statistics and probability. Therefore, they must be able to analyse and interpret graphs and charts and find the central tendency (mean, median, and mode) in a data set. However, the maths test does not only measure the student's mathematical knowledge. It also measures the candidate's logical reasoning and critical thinking by investigating how well they can obtain a systematic approach to solving a problem.
How do you prepare for the 13 plus common entrance exams?
The first thing you must do as students is take school maths lessons seriously and listen attentively when the teacher explains the mathematical concepts. You need to focus on what the teacher says and follow their steps to understand the basics of the subject. The next thing is practising what you learn. Since this is probably your first exposure to these mathematical topics, you must keep practising and revising them. Additionally, you can ask for feedback from your teachers or classmates. You can also benefit from online supplementary materials and watch educational video clips on YouTube.
However, sometimes the lessons taught at school are not explained well or, for one reason or another, you do not understand the concepts well. This can be due to distractions, peer effect, insufficient practice, the teacher's teaching style or your unique learning style. Under these circumstances, hiring a private KS3 maths tutor is the best alternative. They can help you find your way to your desirable senior schools. Tutors can also guide you in other subjects, including biology, chemistry, and physics.
How can a 13-plus maths tutor help my child?
Hiring a KS3 maths tutor is beneficial to your child's educational improvement in many ways:
- A 13-plus maths tutor can assess your child's mathematical knowledge and identify their strengths and weaknesses. They will start educating your children at their current level and fill in the information gaps.
- Children have unique cognitive styles, meaning they learn through different channels. Due to the number of students in public classrooms and time restrictions, schools cannot offer personalised online lessons for each student. This can be problematic, especially for students with unique learning styles or conditions. On the contrary, private tutors tailor the online lessons based on how your child learns the best and customise the lessons to make them more engaging for the student.
- Private tutors not only explain the concepts of Key Stage 3 taught at school, but they also offer additional clarifications when needed. In other words, private Key Stage 3 tutors can provide extra support to their learners.
- With KS3 maths private tutoring, your child receives the tutor's undivided attention. This allows the tutor to monitor your child's performance carefully and provide them with relevant, immediate, and constructive feedback to facilitate and accelerate their progress.
- Private tutoring gives students a better understanding of the concepts of KS3 maths than students whose learning is limited to school lessons. Therefore, private tutors can help students boost theirconfidence and outperform their classmates.
- As parents, contacting the tutor and finding out about your child's progress is far easier. Tutors can help you play your role in your child's development.
- Thirteen-plus common entrance maths tutors can familiarise the children with the admissions process and illustrate their future if they study hard to keep them motivated.
What do 13-plus maths tutors teach in online classes?
The ultimate goal of a professional maths tutor is to prepare secondary school students for CE at 13+ and lay the foundations for the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) exams. The tutors cover level-appropriate mathematical components such as algebra, geometry, angles, percentages, and fractions. 13+ maths tutors can teach your children how to simplify expressions, solve equations, study different shapes and calculate their areas, volumes, etc., simplify fractions and understand mixed numbers and percentages and their real-life application. By receiving focused attention and personalised online lessons, your children can learn all these fundamental subjects and take their first steps toward taking the GCSE exams firmly.
Find the best 13-plus mathematics tutor on Ostado
Ostado is one of the best online tutoring platforms established to connect private teachers and clients worldwide, especially in the UK. Ostado selects its tutors through a meticulous interview process, requiring them to prove their language mastery and command over the KS3 maths subject. Our tutors hold a badge representing DBS and a badge representing QTS).
Our teachers have extensive teaching experience in all proficiency levels and age groups. They personalise the online classrooms based on your child's level, age, needs, and objectives and make learning fun for them. Additionally, they give you immediate feedback on the student's performance and help them learn from their mistakes.
Why choose Ostado's tutoring service for 13-plus examinations?
Ostado's tutors come from different countries and time zones. It means that our online maths KS3 classes are available 24/7. Also, since some of our tutors speak two languages at the native level, you can choose the ones whose first language is the same as yours. Tutors speaking your mother tongue can conveniently teach you complex mathematical concepts.
The next reason to hire an online KS3 maths tutor on Ostado is their very reasonable prices. Currently, our online teachers charge between $10 and $30 an hour, and the average tuition fee is $16. Our online tutoring service is available and affordable for everyone. Book a session right now and check out the quality of our online maths classes.
13 plus common entrance maths tutor; final remarks
CE at 13+ is one of the determining exams a student takes throughout their education. It determines the quality of the education they will receive at Key Stage 4, the last compulsory stage in secondary school. Therefore, students must put every effort into exam preparation. The most cost-effective and resultful approach to success at CE at 13+ is getting help from tutors with a badge representing QTS. All of Ostado's tutors have teaching expertise and experience and are highly eligible to help your children pass the CE at 13+ with excellent grades. Book a session now and check the quality of our online 13+ maths tutoring sessions.